1. Twillight
I will admit that I was super pumped for the film version of the series. After reading the series I was entrenched with the chemistry and the dynamics at play. With the exception of New Moon which, I found to be a bit dry at times, I thought the books were a great young adult supernatural romance. I saw the movies out of dedication to the books and to see how the actors portrayed characters that we had become so deeply attached. Twilight is a film that had a lot of potential if it had different actors. Kristen Stewart would not have been my pick for Bella. Many people have also noted this. But Bella in the novels was such a complex and emotional character that I found Kristen's limited ability to demonstrate emotions to be a downfall. The movies did not live up to the hype of the books and I would read the books again before watching the films.
2. Vampire Academy
Firstly, I actually watched the movie before I got into the books. I actually thought that the film was okay and I easily swooned over Dimitri and the actor that played him. The man has talent in the form of muscles that don't exist. After the film, I read the series and was devastated to find out that there wasn't a lot of promotional work done for the low budget movie. As a result the sequel was not expected. The film had a lot of potential to continue to grow; however it also came at a time when Twilight and the vampire mojo was let loose on society. I'd much prefer this film over Twilight any day.
Alright.. Alright.. Settle down. I read the book and watched the movies which were fine. But I cannot un break my heart from the ending and it has completely thrown me. Tris should not die and I was hoping Ms. Roth would come back with an alternative ending. I so wanted a HEA for Tris and Four because.. god damnit they deserved it. They saved the whole fucking society. I think they should get to grow old and have hot little mini versions of themselves. I liked the books. I liked the movies. But my soul has not recovered from the ending.
I'm going to be fair is saying that I DNF the books or the movies because there was so much about the first glimpse that just made me feel icky. I tried.. I really really did. But I couldn't. I am a firm believer that Romance books are not porn for women as some people may say. I also am a strong advocate that women are sexual beings and there is nothing wrong with us expressing that. But I really didn't see much of a plot in this series. Throw in some issues around consent (I mean whats the point of a safe word if you ignore it) and some poor acting and you're really killing it.
5. The Lovely Bones
This book is not a romance. SURPRISE! But it is a thrilling book about a young child who was abducted and murdered. The book tells the story as though she is omnipresent and witnessing the events after her disappearance. I fell in love with the book and I thought it was inspired and imaginative. I saw the movie and felt that it did not live up to the standard of the book. There were things that the directors could not include in the movie because they only have so much time to work with. The movie was still a good film, but it didn't accurately portray the book in the way I had envisioned it.
Admission: I haven't seen any off these movies all the way through.