There had been an outpouring of outrage from book lovers everywhere in response to this PR stunt at the expense of books. Companies such as Oreo, Vitamin Water and Chex Mix have actively participated and have received blow back from book and literacy advocates around the world. My question is: DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE PISSED?
Oh, you don't.
It was just a joke right?
Well, wrong! Here is why I am pissed.

Secondly, respect your elders. Books have been around long before Oreos and social media. They deserve your goddamn respect. In the 1800s books were only allotted to people of wealth and the lower classes were not offered books or how to read. Women fought for the right to obtain a higher education in a time where men were deemed to be a "superior sex". In the 1960s, people of colour fought the right to education in the same way that had been given to white people. So, in my opinion.. when you disrespect books in the way that you have, you are slapping those who fought for the right to read and be educated in the face. You should be ashamed.
In today's society teachers fight for books for their classes. University and College students spend a fortune in books in order to move forward in their education to become a productive member of society. But I guess, negative PR is still PR right? You're still #trending?
But at what price?

This PR stunt has only contributed to a negative response and a negative impact on society. Maybe next time, rather than demonstrate your ignorance, you will use your power to contribute to society in a positive way. Support literacy campaigns. Donate books to schools. Provide some scholarships. But the books should not be victims of your need to promote your brand and stroke your ego.
And.. *mic drop*