Like many bloggers, we subscribe to a variety of different platforms in order to get our hands on the newest ARCs to review. It's a win win scenario as the authors and Publishers get an honest review, and we get books.
Seems simple enough, right?
But for those who use different platforms, it can be challenging to organize our To Be Read Books and keep on top of them. For example, I presently have 42 titles on my NetGalley account. We're also registered with BookBub and they send us daily updates on the latest books available. We are also partial to Voracious Readers, which send along possible ARCs and you can choose which ones tickle your fancy!
Overall, we get inundated with books and only so many hours in the day to read. Here are some ways to help you manage your TBR list and help you get those reviews out in a speedy timeframe.
1. Maintain a chart:
For those who are use to things being super organized, you can create a flowchart to keep track of the books you have received, date received, date read, source of ARC and where the review was published. We have unfortunately not taken the time to do this, but there are serious bloggers out there who find this method to be effective. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment when you get to scratch a book off your list! Best. Feeling. Ever.
2. Limit your platforms:
As previously mentioned, we have a variety of platforms that we use to receive ARCs. The one we use the most is Net Galley. Its free to sign up and there are books that you can read immediately. Posting your reviews will help with her feedback ratio and get you approved to review more books.
If you're just starting out, maybe stick to one platform to limit the confusion and have all your ARCs in the same place. We'd encourage anyone looking to get into reviewing books to explore the possible platforms and see which ones best suit your needs.
3. Dedicate time for specific books:
Some people enjoying reading one book at a time. We don't always do that. We've started books and left them in order to dig into something new that we get our hands on. But we have found it effective to not have more than three books being read at the same time. You'll start to confuse the topics and forget the plot if you wait too long to return to the storylines.
We like to assign a particular day for each book or a particular genre. Maybe Mondays are biographies, Tuesdays contemporary romance, etc etc.